Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, I told ya'll that I did a bunch of projects for my Dad for Xmas. Well I decided I would share that here. Below are the items that I painted for my Dad's house for Christmas. You'd be amazed at how much time and how many coats of paint those things took to complete!

So, the story behind this project is that I bought these items for him seven years ago before I got sober. However, when I began painting the items my hands shook so much that I couldn't paint it well. So, I abandoned the project. Needless to say my Dad being the hardass that he is kept the items in his garage (and carting them from Phoenix to Denton in a move) all this time. Finally, in October I took the items back to begin their transformation. Suffice it to say, it was much easier to paint the blue and white with steadier hands that I now have as a result of sobriety. Phew! When he opened them at Xmas, he said, "hey I only had to wait seven years for these!" LOL! I'm sitting here in his living room right now while he rearranges his living room art to accomodate my new art work.

This is a picture of a tray I created for my Dad a few years ago at Christmas. It's one of my more favorite pieces.

The reason I'm excited about this piece is because I'm attempting to duplicate it for another gift I'm going to be giving in the near future. Sorry buddy if you are reading this. I'm too excited waiting for the first coat to dry on my new project. I'm excited to see the result. Hopefully it will turn out as well as my first one. However, with the next one I'm working on will have a clear coat of semi-gloss on it once I'm finished. Hopefully I can get all the steps done before the weekend ends. PHEW! Got my work cut out for me.

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